Meet Morten, co-founder and CEO
Morten, can you give us some insight into what you were up to before Aidn?
I studied Computer Science at NTNU, and spent part of my studies in California. In the US I got to work with some of the most talented professors and professionals within security and I got completely hooked! I became a hacker, and I basically spent all my time hacking - day and night.
After returning to Norway I've continued to work various roles and jobs related to IT security, but I have also started and run several companies before joining Aidn.
Some initiatives have been super successful, others perhaps not so much. A common denominator for them though have been a solid foundation in modern technology (AI, machine learning etc) combined with talented people and an idea that we would be able to make a difference, offer something to the market that was way better than anything else out there.
My latest adventure before Aidn was a company called ReMin that I founded with Ingebjørn (who is also part of Aidn). ReMin was basically born in the early stages of the pandemic, as a way to solve an urgent need for the municipalities to organize and keep track of contact tracing, schedule vaccine bookings and the like. Within a few months we had a solution in production and now ReMin has over 200 municipalities using their products. It showed us what is possible to create when you have a clear mission, talented people and can develop in iterations in tight collaboration with the users.
So why Aidn?
It definitely wasn't my deep knowledge of the digital health sector. When I first got introduced to the project that today has become Aidn, I had no idea what a PLO system even was (an electronic communications protocol for municipal health care services). So I´ve spent a significant amount of time googling my way to an understanding of the domain itself. After being introduced to it though, and seeing first hand the state of it - the tools that our clinicians have to work with today, this has become a mission. I know we can deliver solutions that are so much better than what is currently out there!
What is it about us that will make us successful?
Creating a great, collaborative system solution for clinicians is a challenge that is both hard and easy at the same time. The overall task and scope is hard - a completely new system that integrates information and opens up for collaborations across silos. Never been done before. But attacking it from a development standpoint is “easy” - you tackle it bit by bit until you nail it. Then - scale it.
We are in a unique position to make this happen with our setup. We have owners (Kernel) that truly believe in what we are looking to achieve and also how we will go about achieving it. This means we have all the freedom, trust, and funding necessary to go about this differently than many others operating within this domain today. We also have great insight into the e-health market both from our own employees, but also from other companies within Kernel.